Friday, November 25, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011

How to make your kids laugh so hard they tell you to stop because you're going to make them pee...

1. Lip sync to Christmas songs like you are Christina Aguilera. Faith Hill's "Where Are You, Christmas?" works mighty fine.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

It’s a bird…it’s a plane…it’s SUPER DYLAN’S FOURTH BIRTHDAY!

I don’t know how it happened, but my little baby boy just turned four.  Kaitlyn has always been the one to plan each birthday party at least 2 to 3 years in advance, but who knew Dylan actually cared about party themes and decorations?  Well, he does.  And he was adamant about having a super hero birthday party.   I, of course, did not want to disappoint, so here was my best effort…

Dylans 4th Birthday

An assortment of super hero logos.  Can you name them all? (By the way, the Hulk and Spiderman masks were left over from Dan’s birthday parties…vintage!)

Dylans 4th Birthday

Coloring pages double as a table cloth.

Dylans 4th Birthday Dylans 4th Birthday Dylans 4th Birthday

Spiderman cutouts from the dollar store plus custom comic book exclamations from Grandma Carol make for awesome centerpieces.  (Thanks, Heather! Who knew we could be so creative?)

Dylans 4th Birthday

They also made great paper weights for all the bright cups and plates from Grandma Charlene.

Dylans 4th BirthdayDylans 4th Birthday

Even Dan’s stuff was fair game.  All in all, it was a great party.  Now I only have 11 1/2 months to prepare for next year. 

Mac(k) and Cheese?

I asked Dylan what kind of trucks his daddy sold. He said "Mack", and I prompted him with, "Mack and...", to which he excitedly yelled "MACK AND CHEESE!". I just said yes, and kissed him goodnight. Cheese is way more exciting than Volvo.

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Beetle.

Dear School,
The next time Kaitlyn asks if she can bring something home,
please know that it is fine by me if you tell her no.
Kaitlyn's mom.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Telling secrets...

I'm melting!

This is what I found after we told Dylan to take his clothes off and put his bathing suit on. Funny kid.